Preventive Archaeology

Last updated: 28/03/23

The Directorate General for Education, Research, and Cultural Institutes is responsible for maintaining the list of professionals qualified to prepare archaeological assessment documents in the preliminary design of public works (art. 25 d.lgs. 50/2016 Procurement code).

The directory is not a professional register of archaeologists, and membership is not mandatory for professionals.


With the launch of the IT platform of Cultural Heritage Professionals, the directory of Group I Archaeologists is integrated, if the professional is in possession of a degree and specialisation or a PhD in archaeology, into the category: Professionals qualified for preventive verification of archaeological interest.

All information about how to register for the directory of archaeologists, and how to consult it, is available at:

For information, please use only the Contacts form on the platform.

Tutti gli archeologi, anche se già iscritti al portale dell’archeologia preventiva, devono effettuare una nuova registrazione e l’invio della domanda di iscrizione sul nuovo portale “professionisti dei beni culturali”.

The preventive archaeology portal, currently available at, will be phased out.

List of University Departments and Institutes

Also posted is the list of university departments and institutes, including interdepartmental centres and the Italian Archaeological School of Athens, to which at least three tenured faculty members are attached, in the scientific-disciplinary fields of archaeology referred to in paragraph 1 art. 2 of the DM 60/2009:

list of university departments and institutes

Regulatory References

art. 25 D.lgs. 50/2016 (Procurement Code)

art. 28, paragraph 4, D.lgs. 42/2004

Ministerial Decree 20 March 2009 n. 60 “Regulations concerning the governance of criteria for the safeguarding and functioning of the list provided for in article 95 paragraph 2, of Legislative Decree 12 April 2006 n. 163”

circular n. 1 from 2016 Directorate General of Archaeology with attachments