On 15th December the Grant Office for European funding of the Ministry of Culture presents the last appointment scheduled this year for the series of meetings "Training and tools for European planning. 2023 edition", organized by the Foundation School of Cultural Heritage and Activities in collaboration with the General Directorate of Education, Research and Cultural Institutes.
The lecturer of the webinar is Pierluigi Sacco, professor in Economic Policy at the “Gabriele d'Annunzio” University of Chieti-Pescara, with a speech entitled “Culture and local development. A dialogue on the role of culture and creativity as tools for territorial development policies”, which will take place from 11:00 to 12:30 on the Foundation's Zoom platform.
The webinar will close the cycle of events with a large audience. Professor Sacco will try to examine the relationships between culture and territories for economic and social growth of local communities. Sacco will also highlight the role of public policies in supporting and promoting art, culture and creativity, as an integral part of local development, and finally he will inspect how to actively involve communities in decision-making processes in cultural field.
The webinar is reserved to the staff already registered and authorized as required in DGERIC's circular no. 8 of 9th March 2023.