Insights on euro-planning. Advanced workshop 2024 edition

Course description

The Grant Office for European funding of the Ministry of Culture, pertaining to Service III of the General Secretary in collaboration with the Fondazione Scuola dei beni e delle attività culturali and with the Direzione generale Educazione ricerca e istituti culturali, organizes the workshop entitled Insights on euro planning.

Target audience

The workshop is aimed at MiC's non-managerial staff, of officials area and assistant area , in possession of the following requirements:

  • have already taken part in one of the editions of the basic workshop Introduction to Euro Planning by the Grant Office for European funding;
  • Have your institution applying with a proposal to a European call or an ongoing project. 

It will be the responsibility of this Direzione generale to publish on this page the final list of 36 participants by 18/09/2024.

Enrolment and use

The registrations of the workshop are open from 8 April to 13 May 2024 exclusively on the MiC portal of courses. The authorization procedures by the managers will have to end no later than 13 September 2024

The course will take place in presence at Rome in two independent sections: from 21 to 23 September (1° section) and from 11 to 13 November 2024 (2° section), at the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale of Rome