The online training course Inheriting the present. The care of contemporary architecture, will start from October 17, 2023 promoted by the General Directorate for Creativity Contemporanea of the Ministry of Culture, from the Fondazione Scuola dei Beni e delle attività culturali , and created in collaboration with the General Directorate for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes of the Ministry of Culture and the Council National Architects, Planners, Landscape Designers and Conservators (CNAPPC).
The online training course is the third part of the broader research project entitled Tools and methods for the knowledge, protection and enhancement of contemporary architecture, promoted by the General Directorate of Contemporary Creativity and the School Foundation for Cultural Heritage and Activities.
Inheriting the present. The care of contemporary architectureis the first course that the Ministry of Culture dedicates to this topic. An in-depth reflection on how necessary it is to activate intervention strategies to allow the transmission of the architecture of our most recent heritage, in their identity, to future generations, guaranteeing adequate forms of conservation and valorization. The teachers are experts in the sector who operate both in the institutional and private spheres, addressing the topic from a historical, methodological and regulatory point of view and proposing virtuous examples, starting from the architectures listed in theCensus of Italian architecture from 1945 to today, promoted by the General Directorate of Contemporary Creativity.
There are 5 webinars of 2 hours each for a total of 10 hours in total, which will be available in synchronous and asynchronous mode (on demand) until 31 December 2023 and 18 video pills lasting a total of approximately 3 hours. The training course will take place from 17 October to 15 November 2023 and will be entirely delivered on the FAD Platform of the Foundation School of cultural heritage and activities.
Il corso è rivolto a dirigenti e personale dell’Area Funzionari e dell’Area Assistenti impegnati in attività inerenti ai contenuti del corso e ad architetti di altri enti o liberi professionisti del patrimonio culturale che svolgono attività inerenti ai temi trattati.
Registrations are open:
- from 19 September to 4 October 2023, for MiC staff
- from September 19 until October 11, 2023 for users externalto the Ministry
Registrations must be received exclusively on MiC Courses Portal.
More information available at the web page dedicated to the course.