ARCHE - Alliance for Research on Cultural Heritage in Europe is a research project aimed to providing support research in Cultural Heritage, funded by the European Union. The aim of the project is to create and coordinate a network of researchers, innovators, heritage professionals, institutional bodies and citizens. All the actors in member involved co-design Research & Innovation strategies and roadmaps, unifying multidisciplinary approaches and skills.
ARCHE is a CSA - coordination and support action, funded by Horizon Europe 21-27, through a strategic plan for culture, creativity and inclusive societies, with a budget of € 2.913.136,25.
The challenges of the ARCHE pan-European network supporting research in cultural heritage are:
- Set up an interdisciplinary approach to research across specific sectors like environmental sciences, green technologies, social sciences and humanities
- Support convergences and interactions between Cultural Heritage research and economic fields, such as cultural and creative industries, tourism, regional growth and rural development
- Develop and make available new knowledge, skills and strategies for the conservation, conservation, sustainability and management of cultural heritage
Structure and goals
ARCHE is composed by 6 different WP - work package (groups of actions). Each WP is also characterized by specific actions called Tasks.
ARCHE's work package:
- Outline the state of research and innovation on Cultural Heritage in Europe
- Develop the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for research and innovation in Europe based on a holistic approach to Cultural Heritage
- Create a network governance that promotes the involvement and the effort of partner to ensures an efficient coordination
- Develop the alliance and involve a huge number of stakeholders in order to ensure the sustainability of the project
- Disseminate and promote the ARCHE's network
- Coordinate and manage the whole project
FSP – Fondation des Sciences du Patrimoine (FR) is the lead institution of ARCHE. FSP – Fondation des Sciences du Patrimoine , a foundation under the high patronage of the French Ministry of Culture and the Center national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS).
Other attendees: 30 different institutions take part in the project, of which 24 come from EU countries. All partners are divided in coordinators, affiliated and associated partners.
The role of MiC
The Ministry of Culture is a partner of the project - funded with a budget of € 93.500 - and will contribute to:
- Outline the state of research and innovation on Cultural Heritage in Europe
- Build relationships with stakeholders
- Promote and disseminate the project
- Implement and support ARCHE's network
Project’s duration
From 2022 to 2025 (36 months in total).
For more information
CORDIS form:
Social channels
Subscribe to the ARCHE newsletter
Report on future trends on Cultural Heritage Research & Innovation a cura del Work Package 2 – Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda
Vision and Mission of the ARCHE Alliance a cura del Work Package 2 – Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda