Training and tools for European planning. 2023 edition

Formazione e strumenti per la progettazione europea. Edizione 2023

Course description

Training and tools for European planning. 2023 edition It is a training course curated by Grant Office for European funding from the General Secretariat in collaboration with the School of Cultural Heritage and Activities Foundation and promoted by the Directorate General for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes. Training activity addressed to the personnel of the Ministry of Culture and open to external users.


The training course is divided into four webinars:

  • Territorial cooperation in the Mediterranean area: what opportunities for the cultural sector? Presentation of the European transnational programs for cooperation in the Mediterranean area: Next Med and Interreg Med. Focus on the cultural asset. Examples of projects in the cultural field of the past programming
  • Complementarity and synergies between European funds. Illustration of the principles supporting the complementarity and synergy between Structural Funds and other European funding programmes. The National Culture Plan 21-27 and the possible connections with local cultural policies.
  • KIC Cultural and Creative Enterprises. Presentation of the Innovation Community for Cultural and Creative Industries (KIC ICC). Purpose, functioning, Italian role and impacts.
  • Local culture and development. Dialogue on the role of culture and creativity as tools for territorial development policies.

Target audience

Managers, officials and assistants of the Ministry of Culture, interested in the themes offered to build possible proposals for European tenders to be published soon and/or directly involved in European planning in various capacities.
The course is also open to external users, such as students and industry professionals.

Enrolment and use

  • For MIC staff: registrations must be received from 10 to 27 March 2023 exclusively on the MiC courses portal which can be reached by clicking on the link (user access, by entering their APE credentials), available on the institutional website of the undersigned General Management. Access to the authorization procedure by the Executive is possible starting from 10/03/2023 and up to 31/03/2023.
  • For external users: registrations must be received from 10 to 27 March 2023 exclusively on the MiC Course Portal, which can be reached by clicking on the link (user access via SPID or CIE) or by accessing the institutional website of the undersigned General Management (

La fruizione avviene in diretta e, a partire dal 27 aprile 2023 e secondo il prospetto indicato nella circolare fino al 15 febbraio 2024, anche in modalità on demand sulla piattaforma di e-learning della Fondazione Scuola dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali.

Users are advised that it is possible to check whether their enrollment on the Course Portal was successful by clicking on "Requests sent electronically", the processing status of the application must be CONCLUDED. All enrolled students will receive, a few days before the starting date, an e-mail from the Fondazione Scuola dei beni e delle attivit, containing useful instructions for accessing the courses. For further information, consult the specific circular attached.

Circular no. 8/2023

FAD Platform Handbook

Avviso del 7/11/2023