“Oltre il giardino. Maturare competenze” executive course for the care of historic parks and gardens

Immagine che contiene testo: Oltre il Giardino Maturare competenze corso executive

Course description

Executive course "Oltre il giardino. Maturare competenze

Oltre il giardino. Maturare competenze” is an executive about the care and management of historic parks and gardens with a transdisciplinary perspective. The aim of the initiative is to encourage the achievement of specialist knowledge and skills for experts who work and/or intend to work in the field of historic parks and gardens.

The course is part of the free program of education and professional updating for the care and management of historic parks and gardens of the Ministry of Culture, promoted by VIII Service of the General Secretariat in collaboration with the General Directorate for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes, curated and implemented by the Foundation School of Cultural Heritage and Activities with the support of APGI Associazione Parchi e Giardini d'Italia.

The project is funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU as part of the PNRR Culture 4.0.

The executive course is for experts, resident in Italy, who work for historical parks and gardens with different roles and functions, in a public or private enterprise, and who have a master's degree specified in the call for applications.

The course, scheduled between April and June 2024, has a duration of 70 hours and it will be available on demand and in presence at many important Italian parks and historic villas: Reggia di Venaria, National Museum of Villa Pisani, Garden of the Medici Villa di Castello, Villa Durazzo, Villa Buonaccorsi and Reggia di Caserta.

A specially committee will evaluates the applications and selects up to 220 candidates.

The applications are open until h.13:00 on 29 February 2024 at the link: https://candidature.fondazionescuolapatrimonio.it/oltre-il-giardino

For more information send an e-mail to parchiegiardini@fondazionescuolapatrimonio.it until h.13:00 on 29 February 2024.

DGERIC Circular No. 11/2024. Information for MiC staff