PAF: Plan implementation of the training 2024

Publication date: 16/05/24

Last updated: 16/05/24

Notizia PAF 2024

The Direzione generale Educazione ricerca e istituti culturali publishes the implementation plan of the 2024 training aimed at the staff of the Ministero della cultura and to the professionals of cultural heritage. The courses present in the catalog are also carried out in collaboration with the Direzioni generali and the Istituti centrali del Ministero, with the Fondazione Scuola dei beni e delle attività culturali  and in synergy with  Scuola Nazionale dell’Amministrazione (SNA), with universities, institutes and research bodies.

The catalog of activities

The catalog listed the courses scheduled for 2024, integrated by the SNA training proposal and organized in three areas: technical-scientific area;Transversal area;Legal and administrative-accounting area

The programming of the initiatives, for a total of 51 courses (excluding SNA initiatives), may undergo variations for the emergence of specific training needs.

Discover the training offer

Circolare DGERIC 28/2024

PAF Piano attuativo della formazione 2024

Catalogo dei corsi 2024