The Directorate-General for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes publishes the Training implementation plan 2021 – 1st quarter 2022 for the staff of Ministry of Culture. The plan is published after acquiring the opinion of the General Management of Organization and the Single Guarantee Committee and informing the trade unions.
Considering the strategic role of training, both in the ongoing emergency phase and with a view to the country's cultural, economic and social recovery and restart, the General Management has put in place synergistic actions, in addition to National School of Administration, with the other General Directorates, the central Institutes and with the School of Cultural Heritage and Activities Foundation.
Thegoal of the plan it is to increase the breadth and variety of the training offer, declining it both on topics of transversal interest for all profiles and professional levels, and on articulations for the acquisition and updating of specific personnel skills.
The courses scheduled by the General Management, supplemented by any training proposal from the SNA, are organized in three areas:
The planning of the initiatives in the three areas, for a total of 40 courses and over 200 hours of lessons (excluding SNA initiatives), may also undergo variations due to the emergence of specific training needs.
Useful Documents
All the information on the plan and on the courses are contained in the DG-ERIC circular n.21-2021 and in the attached course catalogue: