Extension of registrations for multimedia courses on the cataloging of cultural heritage

Publication date: 15/02/23

Last updated: 20/03/23

immagine tratta dal catalogo di beni culturali ICCD

The deadline for registrations Multimedia courses on the cataloging of cultural heritage has been extended until 13 March 2023.

Three courses taught byCentral institute for cataloging and documentation (ICCD) in collaboration with the School of Cultural Heritage and Activities Foundation and the Directorate-General for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes:

  • Cataloging between protection and valorisation. The role of the ICCD within the Ministry of Culture – multimedia course (repeat 2021 edition)
  • The cataloging of natural heritage – multimedia course
  • The cataloging of demo-ethno-anthropological heritage – multimedia course

Target audience

  • Managers, officials and assistants of the Ministry of Culture involved in activities directly related to the subjects dealt with
  • External users as students and industry professionals

Enrolment and use

The subscriptions they are open until 13 March 2023 exclusively on Portal of MiC Courseshttps://portalecorsi.beniculturali.it. For each course is provided a separate registration.

I corsi saranno fruibili on demand from 23 March to 31 May 2023 on the e-learning platform FAD of the Foundation, instead of from 27 February to 28 April 2023.

All the details on the page dedicated to the course: https://dgeric.cultura.gov.it/corsi-di-formazione/corsi-multimediali-sulla-catalogazione-dei-beni-culturali-a-cura-delliccd/


DG-ERIC Circular n. 6 dated 14/02/2023

DG-ERIC Circular n. 3 dated 19/01/2023

FAD Platform Handbook

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