Minicifre della cultura

Last updated: 7/05/24

Minicifre della cultura is a project promoted by the Ministry of Culture and created by the General Directorate of Education, Research and Cultural Institutes of the MIC with the Foundation School of Cultural Heritage and Activities.

In Italy, there are many institutions and bodies that, in a constant and continuous manner, collect statistical data on supply and demand in the cultural world, at a national and regional level; however, there is no place to find data from different cultural fields in order to compare them, year by year.

Con Minicifre della cultura, il Ministero della cultura, Direzione generale Educazione ricerca e istituti culturali con la Fondazione Scuola dei beni e delle attività culturali avvia un’attività di ricerca per colmare questa lacuna: in una piattaforma online dedicata (minicifre e attraverso una pubblicazione cartacea, vengono resi pubblici i principali e più significativi dati statistici sul mondo della cultura in Italia, per osservarne l’andamento e le trasformazioni, così fornendo alla comunità scientifica e ai decisori politici, agli studiosi e alla cittadinanza, strumenti di lettura su domanda, offerta e politiche culturali.

On the initiative of the General Directorate for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes of the Ministry of Culture, the project is in continuity with the editorial project "Minicifre della cultura" carried out from 2009 to 2014 by the Research Office of the General Secretariat of the Ministry and proposes a new edition updated and renewed.

The research in brief

The main objective of the research activity is to build and make available to all interested parties a systematic collection of data and statistics on culture, in particular on eight main scopes:

  • Cultural Heritage
  • Libraries and archives
  • Plastic and visual arts, contemporary architecture and design
  • Publishing and printing
  • Show
  • Cultural training and employment
  • Financial resources for culture
  • Wellbeing, health and culture.

Through indicators, graphs and tables, the data of the eight cultural scopes are returned divided into demandsupply and public policies, offering the reader a path of observing the trend and transformations in progress in each scope (or sub-scope) of investigation, at national and regional level.

Program and objectives

The research project includes several phases of activity.

Collection and analysis of data
Identified the sources for each area, the researchers proceed to select and analyze the most relevant indicators.

Building the database
The selected indicators are inserted into a database built ad hoc for their management and for the subsequent return and visualization of the data.

Publication of data
On an online platform and with a paper publication, the data collected on supply, demand and public policies for each of the eight scopes are made public: the presentation of the data is accompanied by texts summary critics.

For the Minicifre della cultura research project, presentations, seminar meetings and round tables for sharing and dissemination are planned.

6 December 2023 – presentation of “Minicifre della cultura. Edizione 2023”, Spadolini Room at the Ministry of Culture, via del Collegio Romano in Rome, streaming on the Youtube channels @mic_italia and @dgeric Program 6 December

Minicifre della cultura. Edizione 2023