TheINPS – National Social Security Institute has published the notice relating to the "Valore PA" project for the 2022 training courses.
The “Valore PA” project allows Public Administrations to adhere to ad training initiatives, to be activated for the current year by 31/12/2022, identified by INPS following a selection procedure.
The courses are aimed at civil servants who need to deepen their knowledge in specific issues concerning the Public Administration.
The Institutes of the MiC who intend to join the "Valore PA" Project, can express their training needs with respect to the thematic area of the "Administrative Section” which includes five directions of development of the PA:
- Simplification;
- Transparency/Participation;
- Internationalization of the PA;
- Efficiency;
- Cheapness.
The Institutes of the MiC will be able to join the project by 24 June 2022by accessing the system and validating the data of your contact person.
The Institutes that have adhered to the previous editions of “Valore PA” will already be authorized to access the new procedure. The others, however, will have to request authorisation to telematic services by filling in the RA013 form "Request for authorization for telematic services - Management of Public Employees: Social Benefits" and sending it to the relevant Regional Directorate/Metropolitan Coordination Directorate.
The form can be downloaded from the site https://www.inps.it/
For all the information on the project and on how to join, please refer to the INPS website. The notice is published at the following address: https://www.inps.it/Welfare/
For any further information, write to the address: http://dg-eric.formazione@beniculturali.it.
DG-ERIC Circular of 16 June 2022, n. 24 (PA VALUE courses 2022)