Introduction to euro planning. Basic workshop – 2024 edition

Grant Office - formato grande

Course description

The Grant Office for the European funding of the Ministero della Cultura , U.O. relating to the III Service of the General Secretariat, in collaboration with the Fondazione Scuola dei beni e delle attività culturali and with the Direzione generale Educazione ricerca e istituti culturali, organizes the workshop entitled introduction to the euro design . The course aims to expand information and knowledge on the issues of European direct funding, through the presentation of the multi-year financial framework 2021-2017 of the European Union , and of promote the creation of offices dedicated to European design in the administration institutions.

Target audience

The workshop is aimed at non -managerial staff, of officials area and assistant area , with or without previous experience in the subject of European design , affected by the Themes offered that has not benefited from previous training offered by the Grant Office. In particular, the initiative is aimed at the newly hired staff in consideration of the long -term prospects of European programming.

The fundamental requirement is the knowledge of the English language (ref. level b ).

It will be the responsibility of this Direzione generale to publish on this page the final list of 25 participants by 21/05/2024.

Enrolment and use

The registrations The workshop are open from 8 April to 13 May 2024 exclusively on the portal of courses mic . The authorization procedures by the managers will have to end no later than 17 May 2024

The course will take place in mixed mode:

Useful Documents

Circular DGERIC n.20/2024

Annex 1 - Plan

Annex 2 - Extract of travel regulations

Elenco ammessi Workshop base – edizione 2024 (aggiornato il 22 maggio 2024)