Thursday 19 December, from 16.00 to 18.30, on Slash Radio Web appointment with the fourth and final episode of this year's cycle of 'Conversazioni d'arte': Sentimental Archaeologies. Stories of extraordinary lives and passions, tales of archaeological events and the stubbornness of their protagonists.
The theme of the December episode will be the encounter between contemporary and archaeology.
The episode will be opened by Luisa Bartolucci, director of SlashRadio Web and Elisabetta Borgia, official of the General Directorate for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes (DGERIC), Service I Studies Office – MiC.
The first part of the episode will be dedicated to the museum of Santa Maria della Scala in Siena. The Director Chiara Valdambrini and Dr. Debora Barbagli of the Santa Maria della Scala Foundation will talk about the Pellegrinaio, one of the most important cycles of frescoes of the Sienese fifteenth century present in the former hospital of Santa Maria della Scala in Siena and its creator Giovanni di Francesco Buzzichelli, rector of the hospital from 1434 to 1444, of which an audio portrait will be offered by Serena Nicolì, trainee, as part of the Youth Fund for Culture, at the General Directorate for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes, Service I Studies Office – MiC.
In the second part, the architect-museologist Fabio Fornasari, former curator of the Tolomeo Museum at the Francesco Cavazza Institute for the Blind in Bologna, will talk about the National Etruscan Museum "Pompeo Aria" and the archaeological area of Kainua in Marzabotto and the complex series of interventions that see it as a protagonist, from tactility to listening.
Afterwards, the specialist program The profession of the archaeologist will be dedicated to the fascinating origins of Archaeology, which Frances Licordari, archaeological officer of the Superintendence of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape for the metropolitan area of Rome and the province of Rieti, will tell us about.
Finally, the fourth episode of the Tactile Tales of Eternal Masterpieces will focus on the secret journey of the Virgin of Bruges: history, theft and rebirth of a masterpiece by Michelangelo, curated by Alessia Varricchio of the Homer State Tactile Museum in Ancona in collaboration with Claudia Zoppichini, a volunteer of the Universal Civil Service.
The radio program is curated by the General Directorate for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes, Service I Studies Office – Center for Educational Services (Sed) in collaboration with Slash Radio Web, the official radio of the Italian Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired ONLUS-APS.
How to listen Conversazioni d'arte
You can listen to Slashradio dall’apposita app, from the website: (for those who use Mac:, or bythe Facebook page of Slashradioweb
Listeners will be able to choose different methods of intervention and participation:
- by telephone by contacting the number 06-92092566 during the live broadcast;
- by sending e-mails, even in the days preceding the transmission, to the address;
- by filling in the appropriate form of Slashradio.
The broadcasts can be listened to:
- on the seat's website
- on the website of the Italian Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired ONLUS-APS
- on the page Slash Radio Web Facebook.
For more information: Conversazioni d’Arte 19 dicembre_Comunicato