Dicolab. Cultura al digitale – Digital archives and MOOC courses

Dicolab. Cultura al digitale

Course description

As part of the digital skills training and updating program “Dicolab. Cultura al digiatle “, promoted by the Ministry of CultureDigital Library as part of the PNRR Culture 4.0 and financed by the European Union – Next Generation EU, the Foundation School of cultural heritage and activities inaugurates, in collaboration with the General Directorate of Education, research and cultural institutes, the first of four cycles of webinars entitled Introduction to document management, created in collaboration with the Digital Conservation Center of the Central State Archives and focused on the theme of document management, and the MOOCThe digital archive. Training and conservation, divided into four lessons.

The initiative is part of the specific actions envisaged by the Ministry of Culture as part of Investment 1.1 "Digital strategies and platforms for cultural heritage", Mission 1, Component 3 of the PNRR. In particular, the program is financed with resources from the sub-investment 1.1.6 "Training and improvement of digital skills" of which the Foundation School of cultural heritage and activities is the implementing body.

It is specified that there are two separate registrations on the Course Portal, one for each course, and that the issuing of certificates and the recognition of continuing education credits (CFC) is subject to full enjoyment of the course for which registration was made and passing the required final tests.

MiC courses and recipients:

  1. Introduction to document management
  2. The digital archive. Training and conservation

The courses are aimed at staff in the Officials Area, specifically archivist officials and officials responsible for document management, digital preservation and supervisory commissions.

Enrolment and use

Registrations are open from 15 to 28 November 2023 exclusively on MiC courses portal.

Please note that access to the authorization procedure by the Director on the course portal is possible starting from 15th and until 29th November 2023.

Il ciclo di webinar Introduction to document management sarà disponibile in diretta e on demand, secondo il calendario indicato in circolare, sulla piattaforma e-learning della Fondazione Scuola dei beni e delle attività culturali (FAD), a partire dal 5 dicembre 2023.

The MOOC The digital archive. Training and conservation will instead be available, exclusively on demand, always on the FAD platform of the Foundation School starting from 15 January 2024.

Notice dated November 15, 2023

Si segnala che le date indicate nella circolare DGERIC n. 64/2023, Tabella n. 1 “Introduction to document management“, colonna “diretta” riferite ai webinar 4, 5 e 6, per mero errore materiale riportano l’anno 2023. Si rettifica pertanto che le giornate dei webinar soprarichiamati si svolgeranno in diretta il 9, 16 e 23 gennaio 2024.