National Editions – Grant Establishment and Concession

Last updated: 7/01/25

Grant Establishment and Concession

The Circolare DGERIC del 20 dicembre 2024, n.71 regulates State actions in favour of National Editions according to the provisions of Legge 1 dicembre 1997 n. 420 and provides that the establishment of National Editions can be requested by local entities, public bodies, cultural institutions, or sponsoring committees, as well as the by State Administrations. This replaces the DG-ERIC Circular dated 10 February 2023, n.5.

Submission of Applications and Reports

Le istanze di istituzione di Edizioni nazionali per l’ammissione ai relativi contributi, o di rifinanziamento e proroga per Edizioni nazionali già costituite, vanno presentate dal 1° al 31 gennaio di ogni anno esclusivamente utilizzando la specifica piattaforma del Ministero della Cultura, Direzione Generale Educazione, Ricerca e Istituti culturali – Servizio II, all’indirizzo No other method of submission is accepted.

Applications submitted must include a digital signature.

The rendicontazione delle spese sostenute dalle Edizioni nazionali avviene esclusivamente sulla
piattaforma del Ministero: essa è annuale ed è presentata dal Presidente della Commissione scientifica
alla scadenza del 31 gennaio di ciascun anno.

The Council of National Committees and National Editions

The Council of National Committees and National Editions, with the purpose of identifying cultural celebrations or events of special significance, as well as National Editions to be carried out, is established in the Ministry of Culture.

The establishment of National Editions is resolved by the Council, which also determines the composition of scholarly committees.

State grants for scholarly commissions are determined annually by the Council, based on applications submitted by National Editions and assigned for the performance or continuation of activities.

D.M. 16 settembre 2024 n. 276, Consulta dei Comitati nazionali e delle Edizioni nazionali

Previous years’ Councils

D. M. 27 giugno 2023, n. 229, Consulta dei Comitati e delle Edizioni nazionali

D. M. 15 July 2021, n. 250, Council for National Committees and Editions

D.M. n. 81 dated 1 February 2018 “Council for National Committees and Editions”

Form to be signed by members of National Editions before formal establishment::

FAQ National Editions

Handbook for National Committee and Editions forms

Grant Allocation Plans

DM 14 novembre 2023 “Ripartizione dei fondi assegnati ai Comitati nazionali e alle Edizioni nazionali per l’anno finanziario 2023”

DM 25 November 2022 “Allocation of grants assigned to National Committees and National Editions for the fiscal year 2022”

DM 23 December 2021 “Allocation of grants assigned to National Committees and National Editions 2021”

Decree DG-ERIC 14 December, n. 227 “Allocation of grants for National Editions established prior to Law 420-97 – 2020"

Grant Allocation Plan for National Editions established prior to Law n.420/97 – Fiscal Year 2020

DM dated 23 February 2021, n.100 “Allocation of funds assigned to National Committees and National Editions for the fiscal year 2020”


Dr. Anita SASSOLI – Administrative Officer
tel. 06 4829 1206

Alessandra DI ROLLO, Architect  – Ales Spa
tel. 06.48291363