The Organisation Regulation of the Ministry of Culture, contained in the Prime Minister's Decree No. 169 of 2 December 2019, entrusts the Directorate General for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes with the planning, management and coordination of all training initiatives carried out by the central and peripheral offices of the Ministry. Furthermore, it entrusts the Directorate with the coordination of the schools of the MiC, such as the higher education and study schools operating at the institutes with special autonomy: ICPAL, ICR, OPD.
Every three years, the Directorate develops, after consultation with the Directorate General for Organisation, the Plan for educational, research, and self-assessment activities of the central and sub-central offices of the Ministry.
This coordinated three-year planning document, which analyses the context of reference and outlines general objectives, produces an Education implementation plan each year; through this plan, the content, schedule, and resources for educational activities are described in detail. The Plan also links to other programme documents of reference for the activities of the Ministry (such as the Three-year Performance Plan, the Three-year positive action plan, the National Plan for Cultural Heritage Education).
Useful Documents
3-year plan for educational, research, and self-assessment activities MiC 2021-2023
Plan for educational, research, and self-assessment activities 2018-2020
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